Over the years, parents spend a lot of time with their child’s pediatrician.
From routine well-baby visits and annual exams to (hopefully fewer) urgent-care situations, parents definitely get to know their way around the clinic! The parent-pediatrician relationship really is a true partnership!
But you know who’s never a part of that relationship? Our legislators.
Medical decisions should be made between patients (and their parents) and their doctors – not politicians. But that’s not what some of our elected officials think.
Across the country and right here in South Dakota, lawmakers have been sticking their noses into matters they shouldn’t – specifically heath care decisions that have been traditionally reserved for parents.
During the 2023 legislative session, South Dakota lawmakers passed a bill that prohibits doctors from providing life-saving gender-affirming health care to trans youth, essentially putting the government in charge of making vital health care decisions for our kids.
We don’t co-parent with our legislators. Why are they making medical decisions for us?
It’s time for our legislators to mind their own business. Specifically, the business of the state. Our roads. Our schools. Our workforce.
Freedom is a family value – at home, at school, and at the doctor’s office. It’s time to let parents decide.